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Community fair

Northam Town Teams Volunteer Event May 2024 (84).jpg

Angie Roe Photography

THIS is the Volunteer Fair held at the end of

Volunteering Week 2024: "Something for everyone".


There certainly was something for everyone at this event

funded by Volunteering WA and Lotterywest


These images captured by Angie Roe Photography show the range of people that attended, the variety of activities and the beautiful weather we were blessed with.

What we see is so many wonderful volunteers in our community, so many friends and friends we haven't met yet. People who came along to support our event and were prompted to write messages to our volunteers and to read the 'Why' people volunteered.


If you missed it, if funding is received it will be back in 2025, bigger reaching more volunteers. These photos makes us smile, it makes us proud to be one small part of the fantastic community we call Northam.

If you're not a volunteer and could be, just start small, it's a wonderful feeling.


All images by Angie Roe Photography

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